

A. Dhyani, T. Repetto, S. VanAken, J. Nemzek, J.S. VanEpps, G. Mehta, A. Tuteja, "Antimicrobial Wound Dressings for Full-Thickness Infected Burn Wounds," Shock, 62(4):p 588-595 (2024) DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000002426 

C.S. Snyder, T. Repetto, K.M. Burkhard, A. Tuteja, and G. Meeta, "Co-Delivery Polymeric Poly(Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid) (PLGA) Nanoparticles to Target Cancer Stem-Like Cells," in Cancer Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, F. Papaccio and G. Papaccio, Ed. New York, NY: Springer US, 2024, pp. 191-204.

K.M. Burkhard, and G. Meeta, "Multicellular Tumoroids for Investigating Cancer Stem-Like Cells in the Heterogeneous Tumor Microenvironment," in Cancer Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, F. Papaccio and G. Papaccio, Ed. New York, NY: Springer US, 2024, pp. 99-122.


Rabiee, N., Dokmeci, M.R., Zarrabi, A., et. al., "Green Biomaterials: Fundamental Principles," Green Biomaterials (2023) DOI: 10.1080/29934168.2023.2268943 

Hasanzadeh, A., Ebadati, A., Dastanpour, L., et. al., "Applications of Innovation Technologies for Personalized Cancer Medicine: Stem Cells and Gene-Editing Tools," ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science (2023) DOI: 10.1021/ACSPTSCI.3C00102 


A. Dhyani*, T. Repetto*, D. Bartikofsky, C. Mirabelli, Z. Gao, S. Snyder, C. Snyder, G. Mehta, C. Wobus, J.S. VanEpps, and A. Tuteja "Surfaces with Instant and Persistent Antimicrobial Efficacy Against Bacteria and SARS-CoV-2," Matter. (2022) DOI:10.1016/j.matt.2022.08.018

*authors contributed equally

A. Kapur, P. Mehta, A. Simmons, S. Ericksen, G. Mehta, S. Palecek, M. Felder, Z. Stenerson, A. Nayak, J. Dominguez, M. Patankar, and L. Barroilhet, "Atovaquone: An Inhibitor of Oxidative Phospohorylation as Studied in Gynecologic Cancers," Cancers. (2022) DOI:10.3390/cancers/14092297

E. Horst, C. Novak, K. Burkhard, C. Snyder, R. Verma, D. Crochan, I. Geza, W. Fermanich, P. Mehta, D. Schlautman, L. Tran, M. Brezenger, and G. Mehta, "Injectible Three-dimensional Tumor Microenvironments to Study Mechanobiology in Ovarian Cancer," Acta Biomaterialia. (2022) DOI:10.1016/j.actbio.2022.04.039

K. Yong, E. Horst, D. Neale, S. Royzenblat, J. Lahann, C. Greineder, M. Weivoda, G. Mehta, and E. Keller, "A Bioreactor for 3D In Vitro Modeling of the Mechanical Stimulation of Osteocytes," Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. (2022) DOI:10.3389/fbioe.2022.797542

M. Bregenzer, E. Horst, P. Mehta, C. Snyder, T. Repetto, and G. Mehta, “The Role of the Tumor Microenvironment in CSC Enrichment and ChemoresistanceChemoresistance: 3D Co-culture Methods,” in Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols, P. K. Kreeger, Ed. New York, NY: Springer US, 2022, pp. 217–245.


M. Boban, P. Mehta, A.K. Halvey, T. Repetto, A. Tuteja, G. Mehta, "Novel Omniphobic Platform for Multicellular Spheroid Generation, Drug Screening, and On-Plate Analysis", Analytical Chemistry (2021) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c01326

E. Horst, M. Bregenzer, P. Mehta, C. Snyder, T. Repetto, Y. Yang-Hartwitch, G. Mehta, "Personalized models of heterogeneous 3D epithelial tumor microenvironments: Ovarian cancer as a model", Acta Biomaterialia (2021) DOI:10.1016/j.actbio.2021.04.014


S. Synder, M. Boban, C. Li, J. S. VanEpps, G. Mehta, A. Tuteja, "Lysis and Direct Detection of Coliforms on Printed Paper-based Microfluidic Devices", Lab on a Chip (2020) DOI: 10.1039D0LC00665C

C. M. Novak, E. N. Horst, E. Lin, G. Mehta, “Compressive Stimulation Enhances Ovarian Cancer Proliferation, Invasion, Chemoresistance, and Mechanotransduction via CDC42 in a 3D Bioreactor”, Cancers, (2020), 12, 1521. DOI: 10.3390/cancers12061521. PMID: 32532057

L. Rivera-Báez, I. Lohse, E. Lin, S. Raghavan, S. Owen, R. Harouaka, K. Herman, G. Mehta, T. S. Lawrence, M. A. Morgan, K. C. Cuneo, S. Nagrath, “Expansion of Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients 3 with Locally-Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Enable Patient Derived Xenografts and Functional Studies for Personalized Medicine” Cancers, Special Issue: Liquid Biopsy: Latest Advances and Future Challenges (2020) 12 (4). DOI: 10.3390/cancers12041011

J. R. Brown, D. Chan, J. J. Shank, K. A. Griffith, H. Fan, R. Szulawski, K. Yang,  P. Mehta, M. E. Bregenzer, R. K. Reynolds, C. Johnston, K. McLean, S. Uppal, R. Liu, L. Cabrera, S. E. Taylor, B. C. Orr, F. Modugno, G. Mehta, H. Shen, L. Coffman, R. J. Buckanovich, "A Phase II Translational Clinical Trial of Metformin as a Cancer Stem Cell Targeting Agent in Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Cancer”, Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight (2020) DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.133247


C. M. Novak, E. N. Horst, S. Raghavan, G. Mehta, "Upregulation of Cox-2 in MCF7A cells when exposed to shear stress", OBM Genetics (2019) 3 (3). DOI: 10.21926/obm.genet.1903092

M. Bregenzer, E. Horst, P. Mehta, C. Novak, T. Repetto, C. Snyder, G. Mehta, "Tumor modeling maintains diverse pathology in vitro", Ann Transl Med (2019) 7 (8). DOI: 10.21037/atm.2019.12.32

M. Bregenzer, E. Horst, P Mehta, C. Novak, T. Repetto, G. Mehta, "The Role of Cancer Stem Cells and Mechanical Forces in Ovarian Cancer Metastasis", Cancers (2019) 11. DOI:10.3390/cancers11071008 

S. Raghavan, P. Mehta, Y. Xie, Y. Lei, G. Mehta, "Ovarian cancer stem cells and macrophages reciprocally interact through the WNT pathway to promote pro-tumoral and malignant phenotypes in 3D engineered microenvironments", J. Immunotherapy Cancer (2019) 7 (190) DOI:10.1186/s40425-019-0666-1 

M. Ward Rashidi, P. Mehta, M. Bregenzer, S. Raghavan, E. Fleck, E. Horst, Z. Harissa, V. Ravikumar, S. Brady, A. Bild, A. Rao., R. Buckanovich, G. Mehta, "Engineered 3D model of cancer stem cell enrichment and chemoresistance", Neoplasia (2019) 21 (8). DOI:10.1016/j.neo.2019.06.005

S. Kobaku, C. Snyder, R. Karunakaran, G. Kwon, P. Wong, A. Tuteja, G. Mehta, "Wettability Engendered Templated Self-Assembly (WETS) for the Fabrication of Biocompatible, Polymer–Polyelectrolyte Janus Particles", ACS Macro Letters (2019) 8 (11). DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.9b00493

M. Bregenzer, E. Horst, P. Mehta, C. Novak, S. Raghavan, C. Snyder, G. Mehta, "Integrated cancer tissue engineering models for precision medicine", PLOS One (2019) 14 (5).  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216564

M. Bregenzer, C. Davis, E. Horst, P. Mehta, C. Novak, S. Raghavan, C. Snyder, G. Mehta, "Physiologic Patient Derived 3D Spheroids for Anti-neoplastic Drug Screening to Target Cancer Stem Cells", J. Vis. Exp.  (2019) 149.  DOI:10.3791/59696

A. Dixon, E. Horst, J. Garcia, P. Ndjouyep-Yamaga, G. Mehta, "Morphometric and computational assessments to evaluate neuron survival and maturation within compartmentalized microfluidic devices: The influence of design variation on diffusion-driven nutrient transport", Neuroscience Letters (2019) 703. DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2019.03.025

C. Novak, E. Horst, C. Taylor, C. Liu, G. Mehta, "Fluid shear stress stimulates breast cancer cells to display invasive and chemoresistant phenotypes while upregulating PLAU In a 3D bioreactor", Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2019). 116 (11). DOI: 10.1002/bit.27119

S. Raghavan, P. Mehta, Y. Xie, Y. Lei, G. Mehta, "Ovarian cancer stem cells and macrophages reciprocally interact through the WNT pathway to promote pro-tumoral and malignant phenotypes in 3D engineered microenvironments", J. Immunotherapy Cancer (2019) 7 (190) DOI:10.1186/s40425-019-0666-1 


C. M. Novak, E. Horst, G. Mehta, "Review: Mechanotransduction in ovarian cancer: Shearing into the unknown", APL Bioengineering. (2018), 2 (3). DOI: 10.1063/1.5024386.

P. Mehta§, C. M. Novak§, S. Raghavan§, M. Ward§, G. Mehta, “Self-renewal and CSCs in vitro enrichment: growth as floating spheres”, in Cancer Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, G. Papaccio and V. Desiderio (Editors), Springer LLC, (2018), 1692:61-75. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7401-6_6. PMID: 28986887.  (§Equal Contribution)


O. Shalev, S. Raghavan, J. M. Mazzara, N. Senabulya, P. D. Sinko, E. Fleck, C. Rockwell, N. Simopoulos, C. M. Jones, A. Shwendeman, G. Mehta, R. Clarke, G. E. Amidon, M. Shtein, “Printing of small molecular medicines from the vapor phase”,Nature Communications. (2017), 8(711). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00763-6. PMID: 28955031.

S. Raghavan, P. Mehta, M. R. Ward, M. E. Bregenzer, E. Fleck, R. J. Buckanovich, G. Mehta, "Personalized Patterns of Chemoresistance, Tumor Initiation and Tumor Recurrence in Malignant Ascites-derived Ovarian Cancer Stem Cell Spheroids," Clinical Cancer Research, (2017) DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0133. PMID: 28814433. 

K. McLean, G. Mehta, "Tumor Microenvironment and Models of Ovarian Cancer: Meeting Report from the 2016 11th Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium", International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. (2017) 27(9S): S2-S-9, DOI: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001119. PMID: 29049091.

 J. Chien, G. Mehta, "Mechanisms of Initiation and Progression of Ovarian Cancers: Meeting Report from the 11th Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Sypmosium", International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. (2017).


S. Raghavan, P. Mehta§, E. N. Horst§, M. R, Ward§, K. R. Rowley, G. Mehta,  “Comparative analysis of tumor spheroid generation techniques for differential in vitro drug toxicity”, Oncotarget.  (2016), 7(13):16948-61. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.7659. PMID: 26918944. (§Equal Contribution)

C. Li, M. Boban, S. A. Snyder, S. P. R. Kobaku, G. Kwon, G. Mehta, A. Tuteja “Paper-Based Surfaces with Extreme Wettabilities for Novel, Open-Channel Microfluidic Devices”, Advanced Functional Materials. Published online: 22 June 2016. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201601821.


S. Raghavan, M. R. Ward, K. R. Rowley, R. M. Wold, S. Takayama, R. J. Buckanovich, G. Mehta,  “Formation of stable small cell number three-dimensional ovarian cancer sperhoids using hanging drop arrays”. Gynecologic Oncology, (2015) 138(1), 181-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2015.04.014. PMID: 25913133.


A. R. Dixon, S. Rajan, C.-H. Kuo, T. Bersano, R. Wold, N. Futai, S. Takayama, G. Mehta, “Microfluidic Device Capable of Medium Recirculation for Non-Adherent Cell Culture”, Biomicrofluidics. (2014). 8, 016503, 1-14. DOI: 10.1063/1.4865855. PMID: 24753733.

G. Mehta, Y. Shiozawa, R. S. Taichman, “Hematopoietic Stem Cells and their niches”, in Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, P. Ma (Editor), Cambridge University Press, (2014), 44-63, ISBN: 9781107012097. 


G. Mehta, A. Hsiao, M. Ingram, G. Luker, S. Takayama, “Opportunities and Challenges for use of Tumor Spheroids as Models to Test Drug Delivery and Efficacy”, Journal of Controlled Release, (2012). 164(2), 192-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.04.045. PMID: 22613880.

C. Moraes§, G. Mehta§, S. C. Lesher-Perez§, S. Takayama, “Organs-on-a-chip: a focus on compartmentalized microdevices”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, (2012), 40(6):1211-27. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-011-0455-6. PMID: 22065201. (§Equal Contribution)


C. M. Williams§, G. Mehta§, S. R. Peyton, A. S. Zeiger, K. Van Vliet, L. G. Griffith, “Autocrine-controlled formation and function of tissue-like aggregates by primary hepatocytes in micropatterned hydrogel arrays”, Tissue Engineering: Part A,  (2011), 17(7-8), 1055-68. DOI: 0.1089/ten.TEA.2010.0398. PMID: 21121876.  (§Equal Contribution)

M. Didwania, A. Didwania, G. Mehta, G. W. Basak, S. Yasukawa, S. Takayama, R. de Necochea-Campion, A. Srivastava, E. Carrier, “Artificial Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche: Bioscaffolds to Microfluidics to Mathematical Simulations”, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. (2011), 11(13), 1599-605. DOI: 10.2174/156802611796117568.  PMID: 21446910.


G. Mehta§, C. M. Williams§, L. Alvarez, M. Lesniewski*, R. D. Kamm, L. G. Griffith, “Synergistic Effects of Tethered Growth Factors and Adhesion Ligands on DNA Synthesis and Function of Primary Hepatocytes Cultured on Soft Synthetic Hydrogels”, Biomaterials, (2010), 31 (17), 4657-71. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.01.138. PMID: 20304480. (§Equal Contribution)


K. Mehta, G. Mehta, S. Takayama, J. J. Linderman, “Quantitative Inference of Cellular Parameters from Microfluidic Cell Culture Systems”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2009), 103(5), 966-74. DOI: 10.1002/bit.22334. PMID: 19388086.

G. Mehta, J. Lee*, W. Cha, Y.-C. Tung, J. J. Linderman, S. Takayama, “Hard Top-Soft Bottom Microdevices for Hypoxia and Braille Actuation”, Analytical Chemistry, (2009), 81(10), 3714-22. DOI: 10.1021/ac802178u. PMID: 19382754.


G. Mehta, Y. Torisawa, S. Takayama, “Engineering Cellular Microenvironments with Microfluidics”, in Biological Applications of Microfluidics, F. A. Gomez (Editor), John Wiley and Sons, (2008), 87-114. ISBN: 978-0-470-07483-1.


G. Mehta, K. Mehta, D. Sud, J. Song, T. Bersano-Begey, N. Futai, M.-A. Mycek, J. J. Linderman, S. Takayama, “Quantitative Measurements and Analysis of Cellular Oxygen Uptake in Microfluidic Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Bioreactors” Biomedical Microdevices. (2007), 9(2), 123-34. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-006-9005-7. PMID: 17160707.

G. Mehta, M. J. Kiel, J. W. Lee, N. Kotov, J. J. Linderman, S. Takayama, “Polyelectrolyte Layer Films on PDMS Bioreactor Surfaces for Primary Murine Bone Marrow Culture”, Advanced Functional Materials. (2007), 17, 2701-09. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200700016.


G. Mehta, K. Mehta, D. Sud, J. Song, T. Bersano-Begey, N. Futai, M.-A. Mycek, J. J. Linderman, S. Takayama, “Quantitative Measurements and Analysis of Cellular Oxygen Uptake in Microfluidic Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Bioreactors” Biomedical Microdevices. (2007), 9(2), 123-34. DOI: 10.1007/s10544-006-9005-7. PMID: 17160707.

G. Mehta, L. T. Drzal, A. K. Mohanty, and M. Misra, “Effect of Fiber Surface Treatment on the Properties of Biocomposites from Nonwoven Industrial Hemp Fiber Mats and Unsaturated Polyester Resin”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2006), 99(3), 1055-1068.

G. Mehta, A. K. Mohanty, L. T. Drzal, D. P. Kamdem, and, M. Misra, “Effect of Accelerated Weathering on Biocomposites Processed by SMC and Compression molding”, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, (2006), 14(4), 359-368. DOI: 10.1007/s10924-006-0029-0.


G. Mehta, A. K. Mohanty, K. Thayer, M. Misra, L.T. Drzal, “Novel Biocomposites Sheet Molding Compounds for Low Cost Housing Panel Applications”, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, (2005), 13(2), 169-175.

R. Burgueno, M. J. Quagliata, A. K. Mohanty, G. Mehta, L.T. Drzal, and M. Misra, “Hybrid Biofiber-based Composites for Structural Cellular Plates”, Composites, Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, (2005), 36A(5), 581-593.

R. Burgueño, M. Qualgliata, A. Mohanty, G. Mehta, L. Drzal, M. Misra, "Hierarchical cellular designs for load-bearing biocomposite beams and plates", Materials Science and Engineering: A, (2005) DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2004.08.034

R. Burgueño, M.J. Quagliata, G. Mehta, A.K. Mohanty, M. Misra, and L.T. Drzal, “Sustainable Cellular Biocomposites from Natural Fibers and Unsaturated Polyester Resin for Housing Panel Applications”, Journal of Polymers and the Environment (2005), 13(2), 139-149.

S. Bektesevic, J. C. Beier, L. Chen, N. Eghbali, S. King, G. Levitin, G. Mehta, R. J. Mullins, J. L. Reiner, S. Xie, E. Gunn, “Green Challenges: Student Perspectives from the 2004 ACS-PRF Summer School on Green Chemistry”, Green Chemistry, (2005), 6,403-407.


G. Mehta, A. K. Mohanty, M. Misra, L. T. Drzal, “Biobased Resin as a Toughening Agent for Biocomposites”, Green Chemistry, (2004), 6(5), 254-258.

G. Mehta, A. K. Mohanty, M. Misra, and L. T. Drzal, “Effect of Novel Sizing on the Mechanical and Morphological Characteristics of Natural Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Resin based Biocomposites”, Journal of Materials Science, (2004), 39, 2961 – 2964.

R. Burgueño, M.J. Quagliata, A.K. Mohanty, G. Mehta, L.T. Drzal, and M. Misra, “Load Bearing Natural Fiber Composite Cellular Beams and Panels”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, (2004), 35A(6), 645–656.